160 lines
7.5 KiB
160 lines
7.5 KiB
![]() |
{{ define "main" }}
{{- /* Things in site config */}}
{{- $thumb_width := default 480 ($.Param "thumb_width") }}
{{- $full_width := default 960 ($.Param "full_width") }}
{{- $thumb_quality := default 50 ($.Param "thumb_quality") }}
{{- $full_quality := default 90 ($.Param "full_quality") }}
{{- $filename_as_phototitle := default false ($.Param "filename_as_phototitle") }}
{{- /* Calculate thumb_ and full_size from params, unless one is provided in the config. */}}
{{- $thumb_size := default (printf "%dx q%d" $thumb_width $thumb_quality) ($.Param "thumb_size") }}
{{- $full_resize_method := lower (default "resize" ($.Param "full_resize_method")) -}}
{{- $full_size := default (printf "%dx q%d" $full_width $full_quality) ($.Param "full_size") }}
{{- /* Build the list of sections and thumbnails */}}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "sections" (slice) }}
{{- range .Sections.ByDate }}
{{- $title := .Title }}
{{- $link := .RelPermalink }}
{{- $weight := default 0 (.Param "weight") }}
{{- partial "scratch_set_retalbumthumb.html" . }}
{{- /* Note that the Scratch below must come from . context, not $ */}}
{{- $image := .Scratch.Get "retalbumthumb" }}
{{- if not $image }}
{{- errorf (printf "When processing '%s', no thumbnail image found for: %s" $.Page.File.Path $title) }}
{{- else }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "orientation" 1 }}
{{- with $image.Exif }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "orientation" .Tags.Orientation }}
{{- end }}
{{- $orientation := $.Scratch.Get "orientation" }}
{{- /* TODO: handle flipped orientations */}}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" "" }}
{{- if (eq $orientation 1) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" "" }}
{{- else if (eq $orientation 8) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" " r90" }}
{{- else if (eq $orientation 3) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" " r180" }}
{{- else if (eq $orientation 6) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" " r270" }}
{{- end }}
{{- $rotation := $.Scratch.Get "rotation" }}
{{- $resize_cmd := printf "%s%s" $thumb_size $rotation }}
{{- $thumb := $image.Resize $resize_cmd }}
{{- $new_sect := dict "type" "link" "title" $title "link" $link "thumb" $thumb "weight" $weight }}
{{- $sections := $.Scratch.Get "sections" }}
{{- $sections := $sections | append $new_sect }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "sections" $sections }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Section list is complete, now resort */}}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "sections" (sort ($.Scratch.Get "sections") "weight") }}
{{- $sections := $.Scratch.Get "sections" }}
{{- /* Get and reorder the list of images */}}
{{- if .File }}
{{- $imgglob := printf "%s" (path.Join .File.Dir "*") }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "imgglob" $imgglob }}
{{- end }}
{{- $imgglob := default "*" ($.Scratch.Get "imgglob") }}
{{- $imageresources := where (resources.Match $imgglob) "ResourceType" "image" }}
{{- /* Build some image objects */}}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "images" (slice) }}
{{- range $elem_index, $elem_val := $imageresources }}
{{- /* Build some scratch for upcoming search... */}}
{{- $img_dat := newScratch }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "alt" "" }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "description" "" }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "weight" 0 }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "taxonomies" dict }}
{{- if $filename_as_phototitle }}
{{- $filename := replace (path.Base $elem_val.Name) (path.Ext $elem_val.Name) "" }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "phototitle" (humanize $filename) }}
{{- else }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "phototitle" "" }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Search the resources for a matching image src, save off details */}}
{{- $img_path := $elem_val.Name }}
{{- with $.Params.resources }}
{{- range first 1 (where . "src" $img_path) }}
{{- $found := . }}
{{- if isset . "alt" }}{{ $img_dat.Set "alt" .alt }}{{ end }}
{{- if isset . "phototitle" }}{{ $img_dat.Set "phototitle" .phototitle }}{{ end }}
{{- if isset . "description" }}{{ $img_dat.Set "description" .description }}{{ end }}
{{- if isset . "weight" }}{{ $img_dat.Set "weight" .weight }}{{ end }}
{{- /* Build an dict of arrays - the keys are taxonomy name, values are an array of terms in that taxonomy */}}
{{- range $taxname, $taxterms := $.Site.Taxonomies }}
{{- if isset $found $taxname }}
{{- $newentry := dict $taxname (index $found $taxname) }}
{{- $newvals := merge ($img_dat.Get "taxonomies") $newentry }}
{{- $img_dat.Set "taxonomies" $newvals }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "orientation" 1 }}
{{- with $elem_val.Exif }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "orientation" .Tags.Orientation }}
{{- end }}
{{- $orientation := $.Scratch.Get "orientation" }}
{{- /* TODO: handle flipped orientations */}}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" "" }}
{{- if (eq $orientation 1) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" "" }}
{{- else if (eq $orientation 8) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" " r90" }}
{{- else if (eq $orientation 3) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" " r180" }}
{{- else if (eq $orientation 6) }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "rotation" " r270" }}
{{- end }}
{{- $rotation := $.Scratch.Get "rotation" }}
{{- $thumb_resize_cmd := printf "%s%s" $thumb_size $rotation }}
{{- $full_resize_cmd := printf "%s%s" $full_size $rotation }}
{{- /* Save off the image object */}}
{{- $alt := $img_dat.Get "alt" }}
{{- $phototitle := $img_dat.Get "phototitle" }}
{{- $description := $img_dat.Get "description" }}
{{- $weight := $img_dat.Get "weight" }}
{{- $taxonomies := $img_dat.Get "taxonomies" }}
{{- $thumb := $elem_val.Resize $thumb_resize_cmd }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "full_resized" $thumb }}
{{- if (eq $full_resize_method "resize") }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "full_resized" ($elem_val.Resize $full_resize_cmd) }}
{{- else if (eq $full_resize_method "fit") }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "full_resized" ($elem_val.Fit $full_resize_cmd) }}
{{- else if (eq $full_resize_method "none") }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "full_resized" $elem_val }}
{{- else }}
{{- errorf "Invalid 'full_resize_method' specified! Must be resize or fit." }}
{{- end }}
{{- $full := $.Scratch.Get "full_resized" }}
{{- $new_img := dict "type" "image" "image" $elem_val "thumb" $thumb "full" $full "alt" $alt "phototitle" $phototitle "description" $description "weight" $weight "orig" $elem_val "taxonomies" $taxonomies }}
{{- $images := $.Scratch.Get "images" }}
{{- $images := $images | append $new_img }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "images" $images }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Image list is complete, now resort */}}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "images" (sort ($.Scratch.Get "images") "weight") }}
{{- $images := $.Scratch.Get "images" }}
{{- $.Scratch.Set "content" ($sections | append $images) }}
{{- partial "render_img_column_flexrow.html" $ }}
{{ end }}