{{ define "main" }} {{- $thumb_width := default 480 ($.Param "thumb_width") }} {{- $thumb_quality := default 50 ($.Param "thumb_quality") }} {{- $thumb_size := default (printf "%dx q%d" $thumb_width $thumb_quality) ($.Param "thumb_size") }} {{- $.Scratch.Set "tags" (dict) }} {{- range $.Site.Pages }} {{- $page := . }} {{- /* Enumerate the tags on the page */}} {{- range (index $page.Params $.Data.Plural) }} {{- $tag := . }} {{- partial "scratch_set_retalbumthumb.html" $page }} {{- /* Note that the Scratch below must come from $page context, not $ */}} {{- $image := $page.Scratch.Get "retalbumthumb" }} {{- if not $image }} {{- errorf (printf "When processing '%s', no thumbnail image found for: %s" $page.Path $tag) }} {{- end }} {{- $thumb := $image.Resize $thumb_size }} {{- /* Create an object representing this tag term entry */}} {{- $page_desc := dict "type" "link" "link" $page.RelPermalink "title" $page.Title "thumb" $thumb }} {{- /* Add this object to the list */}} {{- $cur_entry := (index ($.Scratch.Get "tags") $tag) }} {{- $new_list := $cur_entry | append $page_desc }} {{- $.Scratch.Set "tags" (merge ($.Scratch.Get "tags") (dict $tag $new_list)) }} {{ end }} {{- /* Enumerate the tags on the resource images */}} {{- with $page.File }} {{- range resources.Match (path.Join $page.File.Dir "*") }} {{- $img := . }} {{- $filename := path.Base $img.Name }} {{- $filedir := path.Dir $img.Name }} {{- with $page.Params.resources }} {{- range first 1 (where . "src" $img.Name) }} {{- $resource := . }} {{- range (index . $.Data.Plural) }} {{- $tag := . }} {{- $thumb := $img.Resize $thumb_size }} {{- /* Create an object representing this tag term entry */}} {{- $url := ( printf "/%s/#%s" $filedir ( md5 $filename ) ) | relURL }} {{- $img_desc := dict "type" "link" "link" $url "title" $resource.phototitle "thumb" $thumb }} {{- /* Add this object to the list */}} {{- $cur_entry := (index ($.Scratch.Get "tags") $tag) }} {{- $new_list := $cur_entry | append $img_desc }} {{- $.Scratch.Set "tags" (merge ($.Scratch.Get "tags") (dict $tag $new_list)) }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- range $term, $term_list := $.Scratch.Get "tags" }}

{{ $term }}

{{- $.Scratch.Set "content" $term_list }} {{- partial "render_img_column_flexrow.html" $ }} {{ end }} {{ end }}